The Exhibition of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement (EURēCA) is an annual event that showcases research and creative activities across all disciplines by currently enrolled undergraduate students in collaboration with a University of Tennessee, Knoxville, or University of Tennessee Institute of Agriculture faculty mentor. This year, the 26th annual EURēCA event was held in person on April 25, 2022, in the Student Union Ballroom. During the event, students presented their individual, group, or classroom.
The awards ceremony, hosted on May 2, 2022, recognized staff, faculty, and students across many disciplines. Dentia Hadziabdic Guerry, assistant professor in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, was announced as the winner of the Faculty Research Mentor Award. This award honors a faculty member who demonstrates what it means to be an outstanding mentor of student research.
Undergraduate researcher Zane Smith congratulated his mentor, Denita Hadziabdic Guerry in a tweet. Smith’s tweet can be viewed by visiting https://twitter.com/Zane_C_Smith/status/.