The Exhibit of Undergraduate Research and Creative Achievement (EURēCA) honored three students working within the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology (EPP).
Marlo Black, an animal science major, secured the EURēCA gold medal for her outstanding research project, “A Survey of Domestic Hosts of Cimex lectularius in an Urban Setting.” Under the mentorship of Karen Vail and Rebecca Trout Fryxell from EPP, Black also claimed first place in the Herbert College of Agriculture competition.
Leah Dunlap, a plant sciences major, and Anna Kouns, a microbiology major, secured the 3-Minute to Win It contest in the Herbert College of Agriculture competition of EURēCA. Dunlap won the juried competition for her video on Phyllocoptes fructiphilus and Kouns won the Fan Favorite Award for her video on rose rosette virus research. Both students who are mentored by Mark Windham, professor in the Department of Entomology and Plant Pathology, were also awarded honorable mentions in the EUReCA competition for their research posters. Dunlap won for “Plant Mapping Overwintering Phyllocoptes fructiphilus” and Kouns won for her work on “Rose Rosette Disease Research in Knoxville.”
For more information on EURēCA and its impact on undergraduate research, visit eureca.utk.edu.