Certified Bee Campus

Did You Know UTK is a Certified Bee Campus?

The University of Tennessee is a Certified Bee Campus. In March 2020, UTK became a certified Bee Campus, USA. Learn more about what this designation means for the campus and its pollinators.

Why Become a Bee Campus Affiliate?

There are many reasons why is it important to become a Bee Campus affiliate. Here are just a few benefits to our campus and community:

  • ​Help to ensure the survival of vital animal species crucial to our planet’s complex food web.
  • Raise community awareness of how our food grows and improve local food production through expanded pollination. ​​
  • Improve local plant nursery markets by increasing demand for native, pollinator friendly plants.
  • Mobilize the community to remove non-native invasive plants to make way for locally native plants.
  • Raise community awareness of the least toxic ways to deal with home and garden pest problems.
  • Raise community awareness of the local environment’s seasonality as understanding grows about pollinators’ reliance on blooming plants and trees.
  • Support growth of niche businesses such as pollinator-friendly landscaping, beekeeping suppliers, chemical-free lawn care, and native seed suppliers.